Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Week 9 Thing 23 Summary!!

Wow! Congratulations it is!! Here we are o the 23rd thing much later than I expected but I received much more from this than I thought so there you go. I loved the program and the way it was set up is wonderful--time consuming but wonderful.

My favorite discoveries in this exercise were blogging to begin with, because frankly I thought that I would never do it and therefore never really know how those other people do it, but having done it I can stand up straight. I enjoyed all of the YouTube, Flickr, and type things but have so far gotten the most out of bloglines and RSS. I check my site almost daily and look forward to tweaking it to match what I want to see. I enjoy Library Thing very much, but need to further explore Technorati and Rollyo.

I would definitely do another program set up like this, I thought that it was well put together. I would love to attend a help session in the future, perhaps more could be offered. Thanks again!!

Week 9 Thing 22 Discover Overdrive and Prject Gutenberg

Wonderful as I expected. I have played with Overdrive some at home before but the tutorial brought it all together and I know feel fairly comfortable with it and where to point people who have some questions if they don't need specific help from downstairs. I downloaded an audio book, transferred it to my mp3 player and a CD, and then also an e-book that I am reading online. I find the e-book great for non-fiction--a travel book that I can look at carefully.

I also enjoyed looking at Project Gutenberg again and getting a feel for it since I think this will be a big part of our future in answering some questions and seeing what is available since people want things so much at their fingertips.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Week 9 Thing 21

Had a good time looking at podcasts sites, very interesting and will persue it some more in the year ahead. I found "Rachel's Reviews" and have added the RSS feed to my blog!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Week 9 Thing 20

Have been looking at YouTube some more as I was somewhat familiar with it. I think that the advantages of YouTabe are wonderful--great video quality and very easy to use. These advantages would come in handy for library use sometime but I also see it as some factor of time wasting away. It worries me the time that people spend on this type of thing but in the future with real educational value I can see it becoming useful--perhaps for how to use databases, the Internet, teaching classes of somekind, that type of thing.

Week 8 Thing 19

As a former cartographer I was most interested in the mapping sites listed under the Web 2.0 awards category. I use the number 1 site, Google Maps, all of the time and almost exclusively because for a long time it was more powerful than the others and works extremely well. So I tried Wayfaring a number of times and finally got it to work okay but am not impressed so far. I couldn't get some maps to come up unless I first clicked on the satellite image and this took so long on even fast computers.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Week 8 Thing 18

I tried zoho writer, very straight forward from what I could tell.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

July 2007 VBT (9)

July 2007 VBT (9)
July 2007 VBT (9),
originally uploaded by dcgphotos.
Vermont bicycling trip!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Week 7 Thing 17

I posted my blog on the sandbox wiki. It was fun, so interesting that so many people have access to one wiki.

Week 7 Thing 16

I enjoyed learning about wiki's very much, I really didn't know anything about them. I liked seeing the Book Lover's Wiki and it seems like something that maybe we should incorporate, whether for our own use or for use by the public for Reader's Advisory.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Week 6 Thing 15

A few perspectives on Web 2.0/Library 2.0

Thank you so much for asking us to read these articles. I have been thinking along these lines and I haven't been able to figure out exactly what I was thinking. I have been wondering about games, music CD's, entertainment DVD's, children's computers in line with opposing points on Intranet, Web Resources, audo book downloads, etc. and trying to figure out how to think about it in one piece.

I have also been deciding on how to keep something domestic that is time consuming and some say old fashioned in my life without feeling like a step back in time. If I decide to persue knitting, per say, more than I already have, is this "just as good" as persuing other people's blogs? I think so, yes, and now can hold my head up high. Hard to believe that I got this out of reading these articles, but I actually did. It made me think about life experiences and domestic friendship and how everything relates.

I have been thinking of the new library in terms of technology rather than relevancy. The new library is becoming more and more barrier free, global, and as Michael Stevens says, as quoted by John Blyberg on Blyberg.net "driven by community needs." I am so happy to be employed by a place that is thinking of the library as something interactive and decentralized. I see that our new "floating" collection fits into this model and this frankly makes me happy rather than a bit annoyed which was what I maybe previously was thinking...

I enjoyed these articles very much and feel like ending this week has opened a chapter in my life and way of thinking, so thanks again. Play on!

Week 6 Thing 14

Playing around with Technorati was fun but I feel as though I don't have time to read toooo many blogs. I am not researching anything where I feel this would be useful, but I am happy to know about how it works so I can suggest it to others.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Week 6 Thing 13

I enjoyed learning about del.icio.us very much. At first I was a bit overwhelmed, but then tried it myself at home and really liked it. I set up book review sites and then went back and searched del.icio.us for others--both using "reviews" and then "book reviews". Both types led me to places I wasn't aware of, such as www.metacritic.com, which is a very nice resource. Thanks--it's the "playing" that is really helping me!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Week 5 Thing 12

Here is my Rollyo for Las Vegas. I learned from this but would need to use it more to understand its full potential.

Oops, now my Rollyo won't publish because they say the html is not correct....

Week 5 Thing 10

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
Yeah! I finally figured out how to add these images (to some extent)! Yeah! I also added a post, really learning a lot!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Week 4 Thing 9

Yeah! Finally back after vacation and other hot July slowdowns. Still viewing my RSS feeds through my bloglines account and trying to add more newsfeeds. I have now added MERLIN RSS feed and have enjoyed viewing this site, although I feel that I have to do a lot more in order to be comfortable with it.

I have enjoyed learning about feeds and liked finding out about Technorati, Feedster, etc. I mostly used URL's to obtain feeds. I like Technorati the best at this point but we are on a big learning curve here....thanks for getting us to do these exercises!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Week 4 Thing 8

Yeah! I have some experience with the first thing I had actually not heard of in this tutorial--RSS. It took me a few tries and watching those great videos and now I have a site.

I like the idea of RSS and feel like I need to read it every day for awhile to actually understand it's full potential. I like being able to go to one site rather than my Favorites list when I want to check out what's new, and actually seeing only what's new is probably the best part. My question remains--can I just get say "travelling to Montreal" off of the travel sites instead of everything that's new? It seems like I should be able to but I have yet to discover it. However, I still love it and plan to persue the whole thing.

I am so glad that I have found out how this works as I can see it being in the next generation of web users--people like my kids will be using it without thinking it's a big deal. I think that RSS has a lot of uses in the library--from me reading book reviews to the whole library setting up trainings or information settings this way. Thanks! The tools we were given to use this were phenomenal!

Okay, so now I can't put my bloglines thing here...will keep working on it.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Week 3 Thing 7

I have to admit, learning Flickr, seeing the interaction between Yahoo, Google, blogspot, Flickr, etc. has helped me to see a somewhat bigger picture. I like Flickr, and am also looking at Ritzpix.com to try to figure out where to archive my family photos. We have a digital camera, and it appears the next step is to become organized about the whole process including having the pictures printed for my photo albums. Do I archive them just on my computer? Do I send them online through Ritz to be printed? Do I just do it myself-- although so far the time and machine costs of that seem great--I am afraid that we will just keep putting it off and never doing it regularly. Am I standing in both worlds here--is that technologically competent?


originally uploaded by dcgphotos.
Following through with Week 3, Thing 5--here is another uploaded picture to Flickr that I have place on my blog.

Week 3 Thing 5

cherry blossoms2
cherry blossoms2,
originally uploaded by dcgphotos.
Okay, Okay, I think I may have figured it out. It does take awhile, I do think that instructions could be clearer, either here or on the Flickr site.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week 2 Thing 3 Set up your own blog and Week 2 Thing 4 Register your blog

I have succesfully created this blog! Ye-hah! I loved watching the 7 1/2 minutes video. The one I can most relate to is beginning with an end in mind (library school anyone?) and the hardest for me is to play! Somehow I have taught myself not to and I have to get back at it!

This is being edited in September. I remember the piece about e-mailing myself from Week 2 Thing 4 but now can't find it. I have been registered with BCPL.

Week 1 Thing 2 Pointers from lifelong learners

Pointers from lifelong learners: I consider myself one but loved the inspiration!

Week 1 Thing 1 Find out about this program

About this program--great to get started! Thanks for providing this learning opportunity, I needed a nudge : )